Ancient Activities with Indian Roots That Have Found a New Place in the Digital Environment

Ludo has ancient Indian roots as it originated from another popular game in the country, Pachisi The history of games in their many varieties dates back further in time than many of us realize. Most of the popular card and board game activities we enjoy today have diverse roots in the ancient past. In fact,… Continue reading Ancient Activities with Indian Roots That Have Found a New Place in the Digital Environment

Lessons on Gambling and Life Within Ancient Hindu Mythology

Scroll back through the annals of time and you’ll find that gambling and games are integral parts of Hindu, moreover Indian, culture. From ancient gods to scholarly figures, Indian history is littered with examples of gambling. From these examples, we’re expected to learn lessons. While there’s gambling for fun and for gambling’s sake, Hindu mythologies… Continue reading Lessons on Gambling and Life Within Ancient Hindu Mythology

Why India’s Ancient Religion Buddhism Continues to Gain Followers Today

Buddhism is a religion that began in ancient India more than 2500 years ago. The teachings of Buddhism were imparted by Siddhattha Gotama who was believed to be born into a royal family and came to reject materialism and a privileged lifestyle. He went on a spiritual quest and discovered a path to enlightenment about… Continue reading Why India’s Ancient Religion Buddhism Continues to Gain Followers Today