Dwarka: Atlantis of the East

Is the buried city of Dwarka the oldest civilization known to man? Did it house anachronistic technologies like flying machines and even nuclear weapons? The Ancient Explorers Movement answers these questions in their debut documentary film, “Dwarka: Atlantis of the East”. Ancient Explorer, Amish Shah travels to the west coast of India in search of… Continue reading Dwarka: Atlantis of the East

Bridge of Rama: Traces of an Ancient Advanced Civilization

© Enrico Baccarini – We have often spoken about the mysteries of the ancient India. By studying and analyzing its secrets we tried to lift ‘Maya’s veil’, which sometimes seems to overshadow it but outshine many of its ancient remains. Each piece found seems to open new horizons, every discovery reveals an incredible truth! Many things… Continue reading Bridge of Rama: Traces of an Ancient Advanced Civilization

Myth of Ancient Nuclear War in India

Is man on the threshold of a new world or merely stuck on a circular treadmill repeating the doomed lessons from history which he never seems to learn? A growing number of scholars believe the world’s macabre fascination with nuclear war is just the latest repeat in a series of blunders human technology seems obsessed with repeating.

First aircraft was build by an Indian?

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, are acknowledged to have invented and built the world’s first successful airplane and made the first controlled, powered and sustained flight in 1903. However, in 1895, an Indian, Shivkar Talpade, a drawing teacher from JJ School of Art in Mumbai, is said to have flown an aircraft, Marutsakha, on… Continue reading First aircraft was build by an Indian?

Mystery of Nine Unknown men of Maurya Empire

The Nine Unknown Men of Ashoka a secret society of India dating back to 273 BC to the regime of the Indian emperor Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya who was the founder of maurya Dynasty. Ambitious like his ancestor whose achievements he was anxious to complete, he conquered the region of Kalinga which lay… Continue reading Mystery of Nine Unknown men of Maurya Empire

Vimana – Ancient Flying Machine

A Vimana is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machines described in Sanskrit texts like Yajurveda, Mahabharata, Samarangana Sutradhara, Rigveda, Ramayana and even older ones. As well as being able to fly within Earth’s atmosphere, Vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel… Continue reading Vimana – Ancient Flying Machine