Varahamihira – Indian Sage who Predicted Water Discovery on Mars 1500 Years Ago

Even thousands of years before, India had become famous and reached its pinnacle in astrological and astronomical sciences. Ancient Astrological works had been translated into many foreign languages. Ibn Batuta and Al Baruni were two prominent Arab travellers who had visited ancient India specially to pursue Astrology. By their translations they had induced German scholars… Continue reading Varahamihira – Indian Sage who Predicted Water Discovery on Mars 1500 Years Ago

Ghatika Yantra – The Ancient Indian Water Clock

In Ancient India religious practices and beliefs often lead to particular discoveries or inventions. In all the religions that took their birth in India, use to follow some particular times of the day to perform their religious rituals at particular times of the day. But they had no reliable way of telling the time. A simple… Continue reading Ghatika Yantra – The Ancient Indian Water Clock

Concept of Earthquakes in Ancient India

Ancient Indians invented zero. Sanskrit is the world’s most ‘scientific’ language. Ayurveda experts claim they have cures for many diseases allopathy is still struggling to find answers for. Here is another one that should make people sit up and take notice of the wisdom of an old civilisation: predicting earthquakes. A model to predict earthquakes,… Continue reading Concept of Earthquakes in Ancient India

Hydrology in Ancient India

Natural entities and forces, such as Sun, Earth, Rivers, Ocean, Wind, Water, etc. have been worshipped in India as Gods since time immemorial. Perhaps it is not a sheer coincidence that the King of these Gods is Indra, the God of Rain. Clearly, ancient Indians were aware of the importance of rain and other hydrologic… Continue reading Hydrology in Ancient India

Law of Gravity was Discovered by Indian

When we talk about gravity, the first name that pops into our heart is Sir Isaac Newton. In school we all have been told the story of how Newton was inspired to formulate “The Universal Law of Gravitation” when an apple fell from a tree. The world believes that Newton was the first to discover… Continue reading Law of Gravity was Discovered by Indian