Destruction of The Indian System of Education by British

During the time of the East India Company and later, in the British rule, there seem to have been two motives working in the minds of the rulers: plundering the wealth of this land and the ‘white man’s burden’ of civilizing the natives (the term used by them to refer to all Indians). We shall… Continue reading Destruction of The Indian System of Education by British

Contributions of Sikhs as Soldiers and Warriors

Sikhs by nature are respectful, courageous, hardworking, and enterprising. Look into their short span of history and you will find their pitcher is full of sacrifices and hard work which has contributed so much towards the building of the Indian nation. If not for them, the course of Indian History would have been very different.… Continue reading Contributions of Sikhs as Soldiers and Warriors

History of The Indian Rupee

India was one of the first issuers of coins (circa: 7th/6th century BC), and as a result it has seen a wide range of monetary units throughout its history. There is some historical evidence to show that the first coins may have been introduced somewhere between 2500 and 1750 BC. However, the first documented coins… Continue reading History of The Indian Rupee

How British Distorted Indian History

The history writing by the British was a deliberate and systematic effort. The British used history of India as a tool for demoralizing the natives. History of India was twisted, falsified and misinterpreted on a grand scale. In a letter dated December 16, 1868 the famous Indologist Max Muller wrote to the Duke of Argyll,… Continue reading How British Distorted Indian History